• Ultramax uses statistical techniques e.g Bayesian theory and non-linear regression. • Ultramax derives the correlation between input and output variables of the process. • Ultramax continuously finds input conditions to maximize or minimize the objective function. • The reliability of the model increases with time by continuous learning. • Once the operation property is changed, new optimum conditions are derived.
Empirical process optimization S/W : Ultramax
Product Name : Ultramax
Manufacturer : Ultramax (www.Ultramax.com, USA)
Agency : APSTinc (www.apstinc.com)
• Ultramax uses statistical techniques e.g Bayesian theory and non-linear regression.
• Ultramax derives the correlation between input and output variables of the process.
• Ultramax continuously finds input conditions to maximize or minimize the objective function.
• The reliability of the model increases with time by continuous learning.
• Once the operation property is changed, new optimum conditions are derived.